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Recent Civil Engineering Projects

Comprehensive Planning and Flood Risk Assessment for Industrial Development in Stoke-on-Trent

We supported our client in successfully discharging planning conditions for a new industrial development in Stoke-on-Trent. This project features a 5,768 square meter industrial shed, an expansive industrial yard, and parking facilities for both cars and articulated vehicles.

Our services included conducting a comprehensive Flood Risk Assessment and a detailed levels assessment. Additionally, we developed a robust drainage scheme, integrating Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) methodology where applicable.


Expert Residential Development Design at Loggerheads, Staffordshire

Keytech partnered with the client to create detailed design drawings for a new residential development. Our comprehensive services included producing an overall site levels design and an innovative drainage design, integrating Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) techniques and a foul pumping station.


Comprehensive Flood Risk and Strategic Drainage Planning for Heavy Goods Vehicle Facility Relocation. Stoke on Trent

This client is planning to relocate to a purpose-built heavy goods vehicle storage yard with new offices and workshops. Keytech was commissioned to prepare a detailed Flood Risk Assessment, a Strategic Drainage Plan with supporting calculations and drawings, a levels assessment, and a swept path analysis.

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