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Vehicle Swept Path Analysis

Comprehensive and cost effective Vehicle Swept Path Analysis Service for Every Development by Expert Civil Engineers

At Keytech Design, we utilize advanced vehicle swept path analysis software to evaluate the movement of a diverse range of vehicles. This ensures that our road designs are geometrically sound and meet all necessary standards.


Why is Swept Path Analysis Needed ?

To Assess Geometry

It is essential that roads are designed to be able to accommodate all of the vehicles that are likely to use them. For residential developments it is vitally important that emergency vehicle can access all parts of the development with smooth and uninterrupted movements. Similarly it is important that public service vehicles such as refuse trucks can also access all parts of the development.

To Improve Safety

All vehicles should be able to navigate a road without coming into conflict with other vehicles or with a kerb line.  With clear visual representations of vehicle movements, swept path analysis helps to ensure that the potential for such conflict is greatly reduced and safety is improved.

To Meet Planning Conditions and Technical Design Standards

Swept Path Analysis is often required as part of a planning application or as part of a road adoptions application such as a Section 38 application. Planners or local highways officers will often advise on the vehicles that are required for assessment.

Stay On Track

If you require a swept path analysis to be undertaken for your development, please click on the link below and we will be pleased to offer our services.

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